Is your website design is mobile friendly…??

Posted by admin in Uncategorized

Hello Friends,

In todays world internet is not only used on desktops or laptops more then that it is used in mobiles,tablets,smartphones etc.,so now your site needs to accommodate mobile browsers accessible within mobile 2015, more U.S. Internet users will access the Internet through mobile devices than through PCs or other wireline devices. Consequently, if you have a website, traffic to it will come increasingly from mobile browsers than from web browsers.

In short do you realize how the experience of users to surf your site on any mobile,smartphone or tablet? Websites built using Responsive Web Design automatically adapt the content orthe layout of the website to match the size and shape of the screen of the mobile device the end user is its necessary that your website should automatically resize and be in the shape whenever itused in smartphones,tablets or in desktop.

here’s the example of one site which is mobile friendly you can open it and re-size it.Notice how the graphics on the page change in simple but elegant animation. The desktop screen morphs into a laptop screen, then a tablet, and finally a smartphone as the browser window gets smaller.below is the link

Visit this website

How is this done? One can use liquid layouts (a.k.a. flexible grid) where instead of fixed absolute pixel dimensions we use relative units (em or ex). In other words, the actual size of an element is computed in relation to the size of its parent element. This will convert designs pixel-based dimensions into percentages, and keep the proportions of grid intact as it resizes.

the biggest benifit of this adjustable design is ability to adjust your content among the your content will not spoil and the another huge benifit is same URL you can use in both mobiles and also in desktops/laptops.means single destinations for link building




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