“Three Dimensions of Search” Explored By Yahoo! Scientists

Posted by admin in Uncategorized

recently presented at the WSDM conference in Hong Kong, two Yahoo! research scientists paint a detailed picture of the data behind web search.they have explore search in three dimensions called “Who”,”What”, and “How”.

  • “Who” means who is searching it represents Gender,Age,Income and Education level to obtain anonymous, aggregate estimates, based on user-provided registration data, and by crossing user-provided zip codes with census data.
  • “What” represents queries that what people are searching for.it mapped on yahoo! directory topics like recreation or sports,entertainment,news,music,games,developing etc.
  • Features such as session length or number of queries per session are considered to give insights into “how” people use web search engines

one key problem that is addressed in the research is that results in current search engines are typically optimized on per query basis.means search engines are mainly consider that who is the user or who is searching it mostly concentrate on what people are searching and how.so basically there are only two criteria. “What” & “How”.so we can say The analysis is only two dimensional. Looking at how the three dimensions (who, what, how) interact therefore becomes a focal part of this study.

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